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TSMC 7nm, 16nm and 28nm Technology node comparisons

Before starting this article, I would like to say this topic is highly sensitive and we are not supposed to reveal any foundry data. So Instead of making comments on any data which you know and I have not given here, you may mail me along with the reference link. The purpose of writing this article is only to make aware to new people who are preparing to enter into VLSI industry in an easy way. 

Kindly note that none of the data is being added from our side in this article which is not available in the public domain. You will notice that many fields I have left blank intentionally, which you may know but the foundry has not reviled those data in the public domain. 

So this article is just a collection of various data available on different websites instead of any data from my side. I will provide all the references at the end of this article, from where I have collected this information. I took all the care to maintain confidentiality but if anything you found is not appropriate to publish, please let us know through email.

Below image may help you to understand various parameters of FinFET. This image is taken from

Figure: FinFET structure and dimensions

S.N Parameters 7nm 16nm 28nm
A. Transistor wise
1 Transistors 4th Gen FinFET FinFET Planner MOSFET
2 Gate Length (Lg) 16 nm 34 nm 24 nm
3 Fin Width (Wfin) 6 nm NA
4 Fin Heigth (Hfin) 52 nm 37 nm NA
5 Fin Pitch (Pfin) 30 nm 48 nm NA
6 Contacted Poly Pitch (CPP) 57 nm (HD)
64 nm (HP)
90 nm 117 nm
7 W effective 3.66
8 Minimum Metal Pitch (MMP) 40 nm 64 nm 90 nm
9 Standard Cell Height 240 nm (6T)
10 Transistor Density 91.2 M/mm2 28.9 M/mm2
11 6T SRAM bit cell size 0.027 um2 0.074 um2 0.127 um2 (HD)
12 Contact Trench Fill Cobalt Tungsten
13 Opertating Voltage 750 mV 800mv and 1V
B Metal wise
14 Total Metal Layers 17 10
15 Double Patern Layers 7 (Fin, Poly, M0, M1, M2, M3, M4)
16 Patterning Fins (SAQP)
Poly to M4 (SADP)
Rest Single
17 DUV/EUV 193nm DUV + 13.5nm EUV 193nm DUV 193nm DUV
18 Via Pillers Yes No
19 PG Routing Dual M1 PG Structure
C General
20 Mass Production Year Q2 2018 2015 Q4 2011
21 Speed Improvement 30%, comapre 16nm with same power
40% , compare to 28nm with same power
22 Power Reduction -55% compare to 16nm with same speed
-55% compare to 28nm with same speed
23 Density 3.3X compare to 16nm
24 Cut metal Area reduction through
Cut metal layers.
Routers are cut metal aware


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